Sephora Lip-stain
Love these earrings
Top (love this and this)
Similar skirts (here, here)
Love this blazer
YSL sandals (love these and these).
Hey remember me? Well I’m backkk! In December I decided to take a hiatus from blogging. I have been consistently blogging since 2008 and this is my first time taking an extended break. There were a few reasons why I decided to take some time off. One was that I found myself stressing over dumb stuff like Instagram’s latest algorithm, when to post, when not to post, how many likes I was getting, etc. Blogging just wasn’t fun for me anymore. I really needed to step back and re-evaluate everything to see if I still wanted to continue this influencer life. I didn’t think it would take five months but I’m glad that I was able to take my time and do things on my terms.

Welcome back! 🙌🏾
Welcome back Nife.
You were missed.
Change is good!!
Here’s to more growth and creativity.
Keep shining girl.
Wow welcome back! You have been missed!
welcome back
Welcome back and best of luck.