dress: fenoel, same dress different print, in pink, similar option| robe: fenoel (sold out), newer version, similar| Tom Ford Sandals.
What I’m wearing Andrea Iyamah River Basket Earrings ($45) BCBG ribbed dress: similar, similar, love this Fenoel Robe: newer version
Olu and I celebrated our five year wedding anniversary last week Friday! I can’t believe five years has come and
Happy New Year from my family to yours!!! I’m wearing Cult Gaia Shannon Dress in a medium, it comes in many
Similar Cardi Similar Leggings Ire’s Top Ire’s leggings (similar) Alfie’s sweater (in grey) Merry Christmas from the four of us!!
I see that I’m not alone in putting up my Christmas tree early this year. With everything that has gone
Our baby girl turned three on Tuesday, oh how time flies. It seems like she has been in our lives
One of my favorite things to do as a mother is creating great memories with Ire. I truly believe that
Wednesday was Olu’s birthday and I wanted it to be a different and intimate with just the two of us.
Happy Father’s day to my one and only. I thank God everyday that Ire has a good father figure to