Today’s SkinnhHip is Funke, Benjamin’s mom. Funke’s style is very similar to mine which is why we basically have the same stuff in our closets. She loves mixing prints and experimenting with colors but her style is a little more preppy than mine. She is currently expecting her second child and it amazes me to see her wearing similar things she wore pre-pregnancy. In fact, we still shop together but she now buys clothes that are a size or 2 bigger. What do you think is Funke SkinnyHip?
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Benjamin is usually very easy to photograph but not on this day.  Getting him to concentrate was very hard and he kept on trying to take my pictures with the iPhone lol.image image IMG_3292 IMG_3284 IMG_3295 IMG_3271 IMG_3269 image image
The 4 pictures below were taken about a year ago…
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Connect with Funke on Instagram here.
 Pictures via PaOsin & I.
Thanks for stopping by
 Signature Blk