dress: fenoel, same dress different print, in pink, similar option| robe: fenoel (sold out), newer version, similar| Tom Ford Sandals.
What I’m Wearing FeNoel slip dress,(wearing a large here but sized down to a medium also comes in this print
Tank dresses are easily one of my favorite Summer staples, they come in many colors and can be dressed up
similar sunglasses similar bag similar jeans, also love these coat: try this or this shoes (on sale + additional 20% off),
Here is the all new #HipsterMix Challenge. In case you’re new here and don’t know what the heck I’m talking
Happy Saturday guys!! We have a new HipsterMix Challenge winner, Oyinda. To keep up with her, follow her personal
Happy Saturday beautiful people!!! We have a brand newHipster Mix Challenge. In case you’re new here and not familiar with
Wednesday was Olu’s birthday and I wanted it to be a different and intimate with just the two of us.
Similar Shorts, also love this jacket: love this and this similar shoes If anyone would have said that I would
Happy Labor Day everyone!! Some of my favorite stores are currently having sales because of today’s holiday, so, I’ve listed